Monday, January 31, 2011

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!

If you are looking for the latest Fashionista Friday challenge, head here.  Read below for the latest exciting announcement.

We here at the Shoe are looking for a few GREAT NEW SHOES!  The official Spring 2011 DT Call is ON!  We are looking for a new team of paper crafters of all shapes, sizes, experience and styles.

Check out the details:


  • 6 months, March 4, 2011 - September 2, 2011

DT Requirements:

  • An active blog, that you post to at least weekly
  • Participate in at least 3 challenges a month and post those challenges on your blog
  • Regular internet access.  All challenges are posted in the Shoe DT Yahoo group and members will need to check in on a regular basis. 
  • Be able to work with digital images as we have many digi image sponsors (and they are fabulous!)
What we can offer you:
  • An opportunity to meet new people and make new friends
  • Exposure to a new audience and sponsors
  • A link to your blog direct from the Shoe homepage
  • Some lovely "treats" from our generous sponsors

Please email the following information to :
  • At least 3 pictures featuring 3 different projects (there is no requirement to create something new for this application), however your projects should display a range of techniques.  Please provide a brief description of each project.
  • Your full name, email address and blog address
  • A brief bio, and please include if you would rank yourself as a beginner, intermediate or advanced paper crafter
  • Include the following in the subject line: SHOE DT CALL SPRING 2011 
We will be accepting applications until February 10, 2011 at 8 pm EST.  We will notify all new DT members via email by February 12, 2011.  Their names will be announced on the Shoe on February 14, 2011 (our little Valentine's Day celebration).

Friday, January 28, 2011

Fashionista Friday #64...Anything Goes (except cards)!

Happy Friday evening ya'll!  And welcome to the latest Fashionista Friday challenge here at the Shoe!  But before I get to this week's challenge...we just want to give a big Thank You to all that played along with last weeks friend theme!  There were many amazing entries and we enjoyed seeing them all!  This week we had to give a shout-out to:

we practically drooled over this particular entry...our Shoe of the Week goes to:

OH ME OH MY!  What an amazing LO!   The colors just grab you...surrounding an AMAZING picture!  Beautiful!  Please feel free to grab our Shoe of the Week blinkie from our sidebar!

and now on to this week's challenge...for this week here at the Shoe we decided to go with...ANYTHING BUT A CARD!  That's right...Anything Goes (except a card that is!) are some samples to get you going:


(close up)


Can't wait to see what you do with our Anything Goes idea!  Share your art (new as of the date of this post) with us using the link below.  Please include a direct link to your project (not just your blog in general) so that it is easier for us to leave comments on your entries!  If you are posting in an online gallery, please use the tag FF#64.  Can't wait to see what your creative minds come up with!

EDITED!  We have moved our announcement to Monday so that we have an opportunity to iron out all the details!  

Oh last item...please check back with us on Monday for a special announcement!  We are so excited about so many new and fabulous things coming to the Shoe...we'll share just a little bit of that with you on Monday!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fashionista Friday #63...You've got a FRIEND!

Happy day to everyone!  Hope you are having a fabulous start to your weekend!  WOW...we had so many delightful entries for the FF#62 Inspiration challenge...I always love seeing how one item can inspire so many in so many different ways!  We had to pick a few of those amazing pieces of art to send a Shoe Shout-out too:

Rebekah (OH MY FLOWERS!)
KellyS (Who doesn't love some chocolate!)
Irit (WOW!)

and I can't wait to share Our Shoe of the Week with you:

What a fantastic card built around an amazing image, and all of those lovely flowers...and the lace...and the bling...!  Crystal, please feel free to grab our Shoe of the Week badge from the sidebar!

Now on to this week's challenge...this week we are going with a theme...FRIENDSHIP!  Considering this blog started out because a few friends figured they'd give it a whirl...pretty fun to use a theme that is the heart of this blog!  Here are a few samples from the DT:



Can't wait to see your Friendship themed projects!  Share your art (new as of the date of this post) with us using the link below.  Please include a direct link to your project (not just your blog in general...easier for us to leave comments that way!) and a link back here to the Shoe!  If you are posting in an online gallery, please use the tag FF#63!  Can't wait to see what Friendly items you have up your sleeve!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Fashionista Friday #62...get inspired!

Evening all!  Hope your weekend is getting started in the best way possible! many amazing entries in our Ribbon challenge!  GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS!  Thank you all for taking the time to play along with us!  There were so many fabulous pieces to choose lets start out with our Shoe Shout-outs!

Amber Joy (fantastic bow!)
Vixykins (amazing image!)
Tanya (delightful butterfly!)

And now...our Shoe of the Week:

Kim we love everything about this card...the image...the coloring...the FABULOUS measuring tape ribbon...all of it!  Please feel free to grab our Shoe of the Week badge from our sidebar!

Second...Today's challenge is an inspiration challenge.  The flower of the month of January is the we did some peeking around and came across this FABULOUS (and oh so pink) image that just sparked our creativity!  Your challenge (should you choose to accept it) is to use this image as inspiration for a new creation (image from HyStudio):

And here are some samples from our DT!

Tanisha (inspired by the carnations and colors)

Lesley (inspired by the colors and shapes)

Now let's see how this pic inspired you!  Share your new creations (new as of the date of this post) with us using the links below.  Please include a direct link to your project, and a link from your project back here to the Shoe!  If you are posting in an online gallery, please use the tag FF#62.  Can't wait to see what you all come up with!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A few announcements...

Hello Bloggerville! Hope all is well with you. We have a few announcements to make today...and some just plain here we go!

First...and let's just get the sad part out of the way...our fab gal Tracey has decided to take her leave of the least for the time being. She has been an integral part of the Shoe since our first challenge post...and we'll miss seeing her fab creations here on a regular basis! She worked very hard to keep us going when so many things were happening in each of our lives and we can only say a huge THANK YOU for that! Hopefully she'll have the opportunity to play along with us from time to time! You can catch up with Tracey on her blog.

Ok...well that was really the only major announcement we had...but...oh wait...I was wrong. Check out Tanisha's blog. I won't spoil her surprise...but we will be welcoming a new Shoe to the family soon...very soon...heeheee!

Now we do have a few items for grab your coffee..your tea...soda...what-ev...and settle in for a few minutes!

If the Shoe Fits...Scrap It began almost 2 years ago (SERIOUSLY??? 2 years??? WOWZA!) with a group of gals trying to expand in their scrap-etoire (no idea if that is spelled correctly...or a just hang in there with it!). Can I just say how much we LOVE LOVE LOVE all of our followers and all of you that play along with us each week! Makes us SMILE! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

We have gone through many changes...including DT members leaving, expansion and contraction of our DT, closing down our ning group, growth at home and here, changes in our challenge direction and more than anything...expansion of our individual styles. No matter the changes, the one thing that has remained is the core friendship of the "three musketeers" that kicked this party off! So it is kind of a cool thing for me at least (BTW...this is Lesley posting) to look back at all of the challenges and posts and see how this blog thing has grown!

Now that I've waxed philosophical about the past two years...time for some confessions...we are crazy women! I kid you not! LOL! Each of us is a Mom, a Wife, some manner of sports fan, and SCRAPPY-STAMPY scrappers (not to mention the bazillion of other hats we all wear...much like ya'll)! We all have a job that exists outside of our artistic endeavors. I work a full-time job, Tracey is a fab stay-at-home Mom and Navy wife, and our gal Tanisha is active duty in the Navy. I would be remiss if I did not talk about our fab DTer Jill (and seriously just plain WRONG if I did not mention she is a die hard Buffalo Sabres fan!). Check out her blog and learn more about Jill and her day-to-day life and challenges)!

This blog began as a bit of a creative outlet. We all love stampin' and scrappin' why not take our hobby and share it with other like-minded folks! However, we have begun to accept the fact that life does not always play along as we'd like. Sometimes home and work and kids and sports pull us away. So please understand that as hard as we try to bring you several amazing samples for each week's challenge...sometimes we just plain can't!

What does this all mean??? Well...NEVER FEAR! The Shoe is here to stay! This just means that on occasion we will take a bit of time...let a challenge run for two weeks instead of a set weekly challenge...or occasionally take a vacation! We promise to notify you as we go! Sometimes life just happens while you are busy making other plans!

Now...Sponsors...we are busy working behind the scenes to set up at least one sponsor a month. We love to share new and exciting things with our followers and give ya'll a chance to get some fab goodies for yourselves! If you are a potential sponsor reading this, and would be interested in sponsoring a challenge here, please contact us at (love how I throw that in???).

Future stuff...we will be holding a DT call within the next few weeks...more details to come. If you are out there holding back on throwing your name in the hat for a DT...give us a try...or at least think about it for now. Like I said...more details will be released later. We can't promise you a lot...but we can promise fun...exposure...some pretty cool items from our sponsors...and most of all...a friendly environment to share it all in!

Ok...that's about it. Thank you for hanging in for such a long post. HUGS TO ALL OF YOU! See you tomorrow for a new Fashionista Friday challenge!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Fashionista Friday #61...Ribbons and Bows!

Hello!  Hope you all are doing fabulous this Friday evening...and that Mother Nature isn't dumping too much cold stuff on you!  Here in South Carolina we are prepping for potential nasty winter weather I'm digging out the flannel jammies and the fuzzy boots!  Anywho...before we get to the new Fashionista Friday challenge...let's give a fab shout out to our Shoe of the Week for Fashionista Friday #60 Red challenge:

Kathie this card is GORGEOUS!  We loved all the different elements in your card!  Please feel free to grab our Shoe of the Week badge from the sidebar!

Now...on to the new challenge...Fashionista Friday #61...use RIBBON!  Ribbon is one of my favorite accessories to use...and it can quickly turn a card from drab to FAB!  Here are some DT samples for your viewing pleasure:



Now let's see what you've got in the Ribbon stash!  This challenge will run until January 13th at 7 pm EST.  Please remember that all entries should be NEW as of the start date of this challenge and please include a link back to use here at the Shoe!  Have fun and we can't wait to see what you create!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fashionista Friday #60...Happy New Year!

Welcome to Fashionista Friday #60...brought to you on a Saturday! Hope you all had a fabulous New Year's Eve and that 2011 is treating you well so far! Thank you all for playing along with us in 2010 and we can't wait to see your crafty goodness this year!

Before we get to the new challenge, here is the fabulous Shoe of the Week brought to us from

Isn't her snowman adorable! Laurel please feel free to grab our Shoe of the Week badge from our sidebar.

Now...on to the first Shoe challenge of 2011...RED!!! The birthstone for the month of January is Garnet, and that was our inspiration for this challenge. Your project should have the color Red as the focal point. Here are some samples from our DT:



Now have at it! Let's kick off 2011 with some scrappy-stampy RED goodness! This challenge will run until January 6th at 7 pm EST. Please remember that all entries should be NEW as of the start date of this challenge and please include a link back to us here at the Shoe! Have fun we can't wait to see what you create!

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