Friday, April 29, 2011

FF#77...things with WINGS!

Happy Friday all!  Were any of you up before dawn to watch the Royal Wedding??  I have to admit I was not!  I will peruse the pics later of course!  Hope your Friday has started off lovely!  Thank you to everyone who participated in our Earth Day challenge last week!  There were so many creative uses of recycled items and scraps!  I am constantly amazed by the sheer volume of creativity that is shared with us each week!  The FF#76 Top Three are:

Lovely work all!  Please feel free to grab our Top 3 badge from the sidebar!

And now...Shoe of the Week for FF#76 goes to:

Congratulations JoAnn!  Your color story is wonderful, fantastic use of your scraps! Please feel free to grab our Shoe of the Week badge from our sidebar.

And now on to this week's challenge!  This week our challenge is things with Wings!  A few samples from our lovely design team:

Gorgeous art!  Hopefully we've helped you kick start your scrappy mojo!  Can't wait to see what lovely (I'm in love with the word lovely today!) creations you have to share with us!  Please use a direct link to your project, and include a link back to us here at the Shoe. It is much easier for us to comment on your work when you include the direct link! If you are posting to an online gallery, please use the tag FF#77.


dragonllew said...

Thankyou for picking my bag as one of your top 3

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this fun challenge and the beautiful inspiration!

Linda Coughlin, the funkie junkie said...

Sweet challenge this week! Thanks so much for the awesome inspiration and the chance to enter!

GrannyGoodwitch said...

Thanks for the challenge and for the inspiration.

Dawn Frost said...

Love Cammi's card, Oh my! What a great challenge, thanks.

Dawn said...

Beautiful inspiration, thanks

Carolyn said...

Beautiful inspiration! Sweet challenge this week.

Year Old Birthday Party Ideas

Anonymous said...

Lovely These that spread the wings...
i like it
clowns Miami