Monday, April 20, 2009

Ahhhh...Monday...and now for a product review...

Hello gorgeous people! We here at the Shoe are so happy to see you...and to welcome our new followers! Thank you for joining us! We hope you have some fun!
Now...onto serious business...on this fantastic Monday we have a product review for you...
A few weeks DT member sent out some "surprise" packages for the get them to try out a "new" product...and to let you all know what they thought of it...the product was what is typically called "Micro-beads." The items were purchased from Michaels for $1.99 a set (two tubes per set)...and then the fun began...each DT received their "special" package UNAWARE of what it contained...Here are some pics of what the DT received...each member received a different color and either a tube of clear...or a metallic:

here are what the beads look like up close:

here are their thoughts on the product and pics of what they created:


Tanisha's thoughts:

Okay, IMO, I hate these thing little devils! They are so freaking cute, sitting in their little containers, and you looking at them, saying"Oh I can't wait to this this or that with them"! You get all kinds of ideas and pictures of what the outcome is going to look like. Then the day comes for you to do your project, and it does not look like what you envisioned at all! These may work on some projects and a very select few, but I definitely would not reccomend these for scrapbooking or card making. They are very messy as well.

ok...maybe a little rough in the is another take:


Tracey's thoughts:

I really like them! i tried them on plain paper and chipboard and would recommend using them on chipboard..they didn't stick well to paper. I used a zig pen to adhere them to my chipboard, and then used spray adhesive to fill in any holes that were left. i think for the price, this is a GREAT embellishment....i have many many bead left after this project. I really like the dimension and texture they added to my project

Ok..we are split at this on to Miss D!

Dawn's thoughts:

I liked the effect they gave, but they were kind of a pain in the butt to use...the bounced when trying to dump them onto the chipboard!!

ok...not to far the beads are liked...but maybe difficult to work is another take:


Lesley's thoughts:

Ok...took me awhile to feel comfortable playing with these...but overall I like them...I just don't imagine myself using them that to play with...but too much work involved with them to use the beads that often

So far so good...the overall idea of the beads is well received...but the actual working with them is under we go!


I must interject and say that Kristy's project WOWED us all...great job...fabulous design! and now the pics...

Kristy's thoughts were VERY similar to the rest of the cute, or as much as we liked them...they were a MESS to play with...
So there you have it dolls...some uninfluenced opinions of a scrapping product...if any of you have any further information on Micro-Beads you would like to share...please post to the comments!
Have a scraptacular week...and come back Wednesday for a fantastic Earth Day Card Challenge from the fantabulous Miss D!


Jacey's Mom said...

Kristy that flower is awesome! Looks like it was worth the trouble.

Lissa said...

Kristy, the flower is awesome! Love everything you ladies did with them!

I am a bead junkie! I have them in every colour imaginable! I use liquid glass for mine and put whatever I am doing in a craft tray then just pour the extras back in the tube.

They are also great with red line tape....wrap it around a pen then roll it in the beads.....PRETTY!

Microbeads are awesome, glad you guys enjoyed playing with them!

Anonymous said...

wow, girls. the projects turned out beautiful, and that flower is AMAZING. egads, you could sell those for a pretty penny, as they're more beautiful than any single flower i've seen in craft stores.

i don't know if i'd have the patience to do this, and i'm sure i would likely be cleaning the beads up for weeks afterwards!

tracey, what kind of spray adhesive do you use?


Unknown said...

thanks for all the compliments ladies! and karmyn....i use 3M spray it at walmart i think!

Anonymous said...

thanks, T! :) i may grab some tonight.

do you girls think these would adhere well using goopy glue, like plain' ol' Elmers or Aleene's?


lesleyworth said...

i have used the beads with aleen's paper glaze and they hold great...just make sure you give ample drying time!

Anonymous said...

Thanks ladies!

I agree with Les on the Aleen's! I used some binding glue I had on hand to stick them down the coated the top too. I wire in the center was harder for me than the beads LOL though I am still finding then on my desk! :P

Cowspotdog said...

these are all awesome projects....I can imagine the micro beads are rather like glitter glitter though, they end up everywhere once you start playing with them :) At they would if I did :) :)

Tanisha said...

Yes, yes, and I definitely need to invest in one of those handy dandy little vacuums, that Judith shared with me!