Tuesday, June 2, 2009

And the winners ARE.....

YES! We got everything squared away, and it is time to announce our winners!!!! Thanks so much for understanding our technical difficulties!
The winner for May's blog challenges, and recipient of a 25$ gift certificate to Scrap-a-Doodle-doo is.......


Congratulations Tamara!!! We have loved seeing all your work and hope to see even more of it! Enjoy your little shopping spree!!!!!

Now for our announcement of our very first If The Shoe Fits Guest Designer!!! The honor goes to..........

DRUMROLL AGAIN..............

NICOLE!!! (aka lintonswife!)

Check out the fabulous projects Nicole submitted:

Thankyou so much to everyone who applied for the guest designer positon! Keep in mind, this is a monthly position! If you applied this month, you do not need to reapply next month! Hope to see even more applications for our second GD!!!
Tamara and Nicole, please email us at iftheshoefits5@gmail.com to recieve further instruction! Congratulations again to both of you!!! And remember to check back tomorrow for a new and exciting card challenge from the talented miss Tanisha!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Tammy and Nicole!

KarenCormier said...

Congrats ladies! I love seeing your beautiful work!

Anonymous said...

well done, ladies! absolutely fabulous! :)

tamara, spend your gift certificate wisely (it won't be hard to find great stuff you love!)... and nicole, i can't wait to see what you'll bring to the blog for the month of july!

you all rock!


Vickilyn said...

Congratulations to Tamara & Nicole!!!

Tammi said...

WOW!!! How exciting!!!! YAY!!!!

Jacey's Mom said...

Congrats ladies! Nicole your projects were amazing. Loved them all. You so deserved to win the RDT spot. Can't wait to see what you do this month. I know it's going to be fabulous.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I have not been able to be on the internet the last 2 days, I am on vacation, Thanks sooo much for this amazing opportunity. I cannot wait, its going to be amazing!!!!
