Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's April FOOLS DAY!!!

YES!!! as Janet so early on today guessed.....this has been a hoax! I have very cruely all day been sitting here watching to see which cards you have completed and then changing them on you....HA!! Anyone else think this is funny?? I hope y'all had fun today....and just for being good sports...everyone who attempted ANY of our cards today will receive TWO entries in Aprils drawing....so...don't be shy, if you got any of them done, go ahead and link em up by midnight tonight (april 1)! Leaving the rest of the post up for anyone else who stumbles along to get a good laugh today......

Yes..it is a new month here at If the Shoe Fits.....SO...I have decided to give you a run for your money today (yes, i said TODAY!) With all the success we had in March, you need to be challenged more! So....get out your supplies and get ready to make some cards!!! Below are 5 cards that me and other members of our design team have made. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to scraplift ALL 5 of them by midnight ET tonight! If you get all 5 done, you will get 2 entries into our April drawing! When entering them into Mr. Linky, please put your name and the # of the card that you lifted. I have complete faith in y'all!!! So lets get to cardmaking! Here are your cards to lift:

Card #1

Card #2

Card #3

Card #4

Card #5

Remember to specify what card you have done when adding to Mr. Linky!!! And...these are due tonight, April 1 at midnight! I can't wait to see how many of you can get these done!!!! Remember to check back on Friday for Kristy's color challenge! Have a great shoe-tastic SCRAPPY cardmaking DAY!


sara said...

awesome can't wait to hit the card making!!!!

cloudofdreams said...

Those are some wonderful cards you ladies have made!!
You are not pulling an April Fools on us are you? LOL :-)

Anonymous said...

ha! stinkers!
so what happens if we get all five, PLUS the new additions, completed? (yeah, like that's going to happen while i'm working!) seems to me i saw a cupcake up there...


Unknown said...

where is this mythical cupcake you are all referring too?? it must have been cute...

Anonymous said...

ha! you are a funny bunch. trying to be pranksters. :p


sara said...

hey what happened to the cupcake? i was almost done with mine

Anonymous said...

The cupcake card I remember was on CM crop n chat march crop...hmmm...???

Anonymous said...

i'll never be able to get any cards done at this rate! i'm shooting for all 5 (now 7, counting the cupcake and the robot!). feelin' inspired today!


sara said...

crap now theres another new one! i cant keep up

MommyScraps said...

Silly girls!!!! LOL...

cloudofdreams said...

I'm done with all of mine!! Yipeeeeeeee Get them done before you change them again!!!

Tammi said...

ya'll suck I had two cards done and now they aren't up there!!! i guess it's back to the drawing board hope you don't change it again or no one is gonna get this done.

Lissa said...

Okay, seriously...don't mess with my head by changing out the cards! I LOVE the cards! Wish I had time to play today!

Anonymous said...

i managed to do card #1, and the second card #1!

busy night ahead, so i may not get to any of the others, although i'd love to!


sara said...

i did 3 of the orginal ones.

Tammi said...

you suck again!

If The Shoe Fits... Scrap it! said...


wasn't that fun??? even if we suck....it was still fun!!!!

april fools everyone!!!!!!

cloudofdreams said...

LOL!!! You guys are two F-U-N-N-Y!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL I hope no one hates us!!! It was fun though :D

MommyScraps said...

Wow you guys had me GOING... I was saving EACH card with the plan to try and get EACH one done... With only two done at eight o'clock, that goal was SO not happening! :) Thanks for the fun though... Meanies! :)